Vinland Saga Episode 1 Review
So I've heard a l lot of good things about this series for a long time now and after watching the first episode I have a strong feeling that its going to live up to expectations. Some background on this series is that it has to do with the Vikings in roughly the 1000's and focuses on this one family's life in particular. The show starts off with an awesome battle scene on the ocean with a ton of battle ships and a guy named Thors slaying a ridiculous amount of enemies with his sword before battling a man in the water and escaping to shore. (not sure when this battle happened I'm guessing a few years in the past from where the story takes place though) either way Thors is established as a badass warrior. After the OP plays we go to the present day 1002 in Iceland where Thors son Thorfinn is doing some chores like milking cows, carrying water. Thorfinn appears to be maybe 12 or 13 years of age and has a sister named Ylva that could be anywhere from 17-23 probably. We go...